that cools, vents and heats your building with sun and geothermal energy.
Photo by: Klara Dulc
Our mission
Isunbuilding is a technology that cools, vents and heats your building with sun and geothermal energy. The whole system is stored in one room; it’s safe to have and simple to deal with. We build smart technology, saving time and money.
Isunbuilding technology enhances social bonding and bonding with planet earth. We cooperate in local, regional, national and
international work in support of a sustainable and socially just future.

About us
We as a team are aware that is us humans who live the most footprints in our nature, so It’s also us that can change the outcome.
iSun technology
How does it work?
Isun technology enables cooling – in summer, heating – in winter and ventilation of buildings throughout the
year. We are using the ground under the building as a collector medium and solar energy as an energy
We use the floor under the foundations of the house, where the pipes were laid before construction, and these are later connected to the pipes along the outer walls of the house, thus creating a thermal barrier. In winter, the groundwater is warmer, so the water circulating through the pipes warms the outer walls of the house. In the summer, however, the groundwater is cooled and provides us with cooling of the house.
We use the floor under the foundations of the house, where the pipes were laid before construction, and these are later connected to the pipes along the outer walls of the house, thus creating a thermal barrier. In winter, the groundwater is warmer, so the water circulating through the pipes warms the outer walls of the house. In the summer, however, the groundwater is cooled and provides us with cooling of the house.
For who is iSun building?
01 Private buildings
02 Community builduings
04 Industrial & Office buildings
05 Our projects
Why choose
iSun building
Future for the children
Isun building provides the cleanest cooling and heating system on earth.
environmental crisis
Have an impact on environmental crisis
Quality of life
Better quality of life
Strong community
Low cost of living
Next generation
Isun system lasts for the next generation